
Waivers and Agreements

Please read and agree to the following before proceeding:

Late Pick Up Policy

The Outback Summer Progrorn ends ot 3:00 PM or 5:30 PM depending on my child, chosen schedule. Children who ore not picked up by these times will be subject to Late Pi.-up fees.

Late Pick Up Policy

A non-refundoble deposit of $100 per week, per child, is due ot time of registration No opplicotion will be processed without the full non-refundoble deposit All tuition fees (the remoining bolonce) must be poid in full by April 30, 2016 to secure your registrotion Outbock will moke every effort to contoct you if we hove not received full tuition by April 30th After Moy 15, 2016, you will forfeit your child's space in the program if there is an unpaid balance on your registration fees. All opplicotions received after April 30th must be accompanied by full tuition.