Private Lessons
Individual lessons ore the heart of the NMS rnusic education program. We'll match you with a teacher just right for you.
We offer:
- Personolized instruction on nearly 30 instruments
- A program of study toilored to your individual needs ond learning pace
- An introductory lesson to help deterrnine if a teacher or instrument
- Financial support for those who qualify
Included with your NMS individual lessons:
- Performance opportunities: studio, department ond school-wide recitals;
- Work with professional accompanists
- Practice ouditions with critiques from certified judges
- Access to practice rooms ond performonce spaces
- Awords & cornpetitions
- Discounts on dance classes, select music classes, ensembles ond more.
New Students
Click here to complete our new student form and we will contact you to set-up on introductory lesson.