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Dear Ed, Thank you for your advance booking for the 2012 Wansworth Common Beer Festival. We look forward to seeing you at Le Gothique. Please note: You will be charged $4 at the door per person for entry on Thu/Fri/Sat night ($1 doscount for CAMRA memebers, please be sure to bring for the special Preview Night on Wednesday 24 Oct. Eventbrite tircket holders will be given priority on the door but can not be guaranteed entry if fire limit is met (this does not apply to the Previewe Night on Weds 24 Oct).

Wandsworth Common Halloween
Beer Festival 2012 - 4th Annual

Saturday 27 October 2012 - Day 3: General Admission

La Gothique Restaurant & Bar
Royal Victoria Patriotic Building
John Archer Way, Windmill Road
SW18 3SX London
United Kingdom

Order #114739369

Ordered by Christian Zaire on October 10, 2012 3:07 AM

Free Order
Print your ticket

7665 Gallifrey Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 465832 | 415-555-1212 | Tax ID: 9420991784

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