Accompanying Techniques for the Piano/Vocalist
An ensemble for piano principals focusing on tunes in various jazz, pop/rock, and R&B styles. Students will enhance technical skills, such as creating effective intros and endings and performing in several rhythmic styles and feels, as well as learning traits and requirements for being effective accompanists. The course includes self-accompanying for students who both play and sing.
First, you'll get to know all the parts of your guitar, from frets to strings, and learn how to tune your instrument. After that, you'll explore the fundamentals of music notation and find out how to produce clear; beautiful notes and chords You'll also discover how to control your rhythm, tempo, and volume, and how to express yourself artistically. The classical guitar skills you‘ll master in this course will allow you to play any style of music, from hard rock to countrv-and-western.
Additional Information:
This class meets outdoors, so remember to bring a coat! To access the field, climb over the fence. Also remember to bring a sketch pad and pencil.